One way to mitigate this risk is to require both sides to affirm a trade same day, even if the formal trade confirm document – paper or electronic – is not issued until a day or two later. 降低此种风险的方法之一是要求双方在同一天确认交易,即使正式的交易确认文件(纸质也好,电子版也好)要到一两天后才能出具也无所谓。
US and EU trade officials are pushing the deals as one way for America and Europe to maintain their grip on the technical and regulatory standards that form the backbone of trade accords. 美国和欧盟贸易官员力推这一协定,称其是让美国和欧洲保持对技术和监管标准(此类标准构成贸易协定的主干)的掌控的一种方式。
One way of securing the new, market would be to play our principal trade rivals off against each other. 获得新市场的个个方法是挑拨我们的主要贸易对手使之相互对抗。
One reason absurd trade rumors make their way onto the Internet and the airwaves: Every once in a while an absurd trade actually is made. 为什么荒唐的流言总会在互联网上大行其道,因为隔三差五就有荒唐的交易发生。
One quick way to change your duds: invite friends over for a closet swap, to which everyone brings a few items they want to trade. 一个迅速改变衣服的方法:邀请你的朋友参加一个衣服交换活动,每个人都带一些各自象交换的衣服。
The euro bear trade may be overcrowded-The euro has become a one way downward trade and our sell in the rallies strategy has worked well over the past few weeks. 做空欧元的交易可能已经多过头了。欧元已呈现单边下跌趋势,我们逢高抛盘的策略在过去几个星期一直非常管用。
Agreement of products is one way of trade liberalization. The Agreement of Zero Tariffs on Vegetable and Fruit is one early achievements of CAFTA. 产品贸易协议的签署是贸易逐步自由化的一大体现,中国与泰国蔬菜和水果零关税协议正是中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)进程加快的先期成果之一。
At the aspect of chemical hazard, low dose of Chloramphenicol residue still exists in crawfish, and Chloramphenicol residue can cause consumer aplastic anemia, which have turned into one of the critical factors that stand in the way of the international trade in crawfish. 在化学危害方面,小龙虾中低剂量的氯霉素残留依然存在,低剂量的残留能引起人的再生障碍性贫血,氯霉素问题已经成为制约淡水小龙虾出口的重要因素之一;
On the one hand, as a primary way in providing goods and service for overseas market and a main factor in organizing international production, foreign direct investment is increasingly influencing the scale, direction and structure of international trade; 一方面,外国直接投资作为向国外市场提供货物和服务的主要方法以及组织国际生产的一项主要因素,正在日益影响着国际贸易的规模、方向和构成;
The movie rate is one kind of movie culture management and the resource distribution way is applied by the numerous countries and the areas, and has evolved one kind of movie product trade regulations and the international convention. 电影分级作为一种电影文化管理及其资源分配方式在全球范围内被众多国家和地区广泛应用,并演变成一种电影产品贸易规则和国际惯例。
Antidumping is one of trade remedy that WTO allows. It is also the most frequently used way of trade protection. 反倾销是WTO允许各国采用的三大贸易救济措施之一,也是目前国际贸易中很常见的一种贸易保护措施。
Introducing strategic management is one of the most important works to promote food and beverage enterprises competitiveness in an all-round way, and strengthen trade at a high speed. 引入战略管理,是全面提升餐饮企业竞争力,使行业高速壮大的最重要的工作之一。